LXJS Day 1: What you missed

by Andy Trevorah

Keynote: Componentize the web!

[Addy Osmani](http://twitter.com/addyosmani) kicks off the event with a back to basics html concept known as Web Components, which are a new set of web platform features that enable developers to build applications in a declarative, composable way. He also mentions the [Polymer library](http://www.polymer-project.org/) that helps us achieve this now, and gave some cheeky examples of it in action. # Audio for the masses [Soledad Penadés](http://twitter.com/supersole) starts what seems to be a trend of revealing how the speaker first got into technology. Her story started when she was a child with a passion for music, but without a music teacher. Technology helped to fill the gaps which then led to her experiments with the web audio api. After showing some simple ways to create music, things get interactive with some awesome synthesiser demos. She then takes things full circle by focusing on how these tools could have helped her out when she was a kid, and how it's our responsibility to make sure this happens to the next generation.

HCI + static analysis

[Charlie Robbins](http://twitter.com/indexzero) reveals that at the current rate, on Tuesday npm will overtake Maven as the largest open source platform. He then goes into depth about how to find data in the relationships between modules. This helps solve the problem of the silent majority - people who consume you module, but never supply any feedback about it. By combining the dependency data with (esprima)[http://esprima.org/] for code analysis, you can find that silent majority and see how they are using your module.

Learning happens

Continuing with the backstories, [Tancredi Trugenberger](http://twitter.com/tancdev) reminisces about how he frankensteined a pc as a child and taught himself to code by reading a book end to end. He then goes into Generation Z's (anyone born after 1995) new world where learning about technology sadly never gets below the surface. With a focus on creating rather than consuming, projects rather than cv bullet points and breaking things rather than MSOffice, perhaps we can change things for the better. These are the motivations behind [Kano](http://www.kano.me/), a computer and coding kit that is designed for all ages.


[Roger Wang](http://twitter.com/wwr) gives an overview of node-webkit, a framework that creates native apps from web technologies. The idea is to make native development easier for web developers by using the standard node libraries, plus some extras to control toolbars and other components. It is actually now based on blink, but the name will never change.

Service Workers

[Tom Ashworth](http://twitter.com/phuunet) whips up the crowd with some bleeding edge tech that helps sooth the burn from appCache. By combining the philosophy of offline first (the internet is unreliable) with Service Workers he shows a world where caching is a joy for the developer and the user. Service Workers is definitely something to watch.

The Art of Connection

[Angie Maguire](http://twitter.com/lalamaguire) gives an honest talk that leads with the audience pulling power poses to raise testosterone levels. She focuses on how good communication is not only invaluable in a working environment, but is something that will improve your life overall. She gives insights into verbal and nonverbal communication and how it is baked into what makes us human. After some cool tricks with reading people FBI style (poker players rejoice!) and some helpful acronyms (R.A.M.P.E.R!) she then reveals how this has impacted her life for the better.

Foundations of Node.js

The project lead for Node, [TJ Fontaine](http://twitter.com/tjfontaine) gives his story of how he started to code before going into Node's philosophy and unique situation. By not having to maintain a language or even a vm, the Node project can focus on problems that engineers actually face. The difficulty then comes when figuring out where to draw the line: what should be in core, and what is out of scope. The best tool for solving these problems is, as always, communication. By keeping the community in sync, Node.js can see a future where upgrading is as straight forward as possible.