Best Gitter channels on: Hardware, IoT & Robotics

If you’re into some high-tech tinkering, maker culture & creativity — we have something for you on Gitter. Check out those communities dedicated to hardware, Arduino, IoT, or even a software for drawing robots!

Johnny-Five — Johnny-Five is an Open Source, Firmata Protocol based, IoT and Robotics programming framework, developed at Bocoup. Johnny-Five programs can be written for Arduino (all models), Electric Imp, Beagle Bone, Intel Galileo & Edison, Linino One, Pinoccio, pcDuino3, Raspberry Pi, Particle/Spark Core & Photon, Tessel 2, TI Launchpad and more!

Firmata/arduino — a protocol for communicating with microcontrollers from software on a host computer. The protocol can be implemented in firmware on any microcontroller architecture as well as software on any host computer software package.

Platformio/platformio — An open source ecosystem for IoT development. Cross-platform code builder and library manager. Continuous and IDE integration. Arduino and MBED compatible. Ready for Cloud compiling.

IRremote Arduino Library — Infrared remote library for Arduino lets you send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols.

ESP8266/Arduino— This project brings support for ESP8266 chip to the Arduino environment. It lets you write sketches using familiar Arduino functions and libraries, and run them directly on ESP8266, no external microcontroller required.

FreeCodeCamp Hardware — FreeCodeCamp’s chat about
chat about computer hardware and Internet of Things.
Papparazzi — Paparazzi is an attempt to develop a free software Unmanned (Air) Vehicle System. As of today the system is being used successfuly by a number of hobbyists, universities and companies all over the world, on vehicle of various size (100g to 25Kg) and of various nature (fixed wing, rotorcrafts, boats and surface vehicles).

PX4 Hardware - PX4 is an open hardware design, following the OSHW 1.1 definition licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution. Website at:

Node Pixel — Library for using addressable LEDs (such as NeoPixels/WS2812) with Firmata and JohnnyFive.
Robopaint — Software for drawing robots, and your friendly painting robot kit, the WaterColorBot!

Are you looking for something else? Check out the Explore section or easily start your own channel here. Did we miss an channel that you think should be featured? Drop us a line in GitterHQ and we will add it to the list.

Happy tinkering!