We've updated our badges to include support for SVG format. This means they will display just beautifully on retina displays. Such pixels. The badge has also been tweaked a little so that people know to click on them to join the chat. Here's a sample of what the new badges look like. If you visit any public room on Gitter, just click the settings button and choose Share this chat room. Bonus:…
Introducing Channels
Today, we introduced a major feature to Gitter [https://gitter.im] called Channels. These are rooms about anything and don't have to map directly to something in GitHub. Want a devops room? A design room? A watercooler? A London office room? Want an invite-only room with a few people in it? Channels are your friend. If you reload Gitter, you'll notice a new button at the bottom left of the screen titled…
Drag and drop
We've just launched the ability to drag and drop files into any chat room. During our Beta period, the file size is limited to 5MB. Once we've ironed out any teething issues, we'll look to increase that. How it works Quite simply, drag a file into any chat room, you'll notice a progress bar above the chat input area as the file uploads and processes. We'll…
Long live IRC!
TL;DR Version Gitter is now available on 6667 [https://irc.gitter.im]. Verbose We love chat. As individuals, we've been using it in various forms since the 90's. Yet something didn't feel right. Sure you can hack together various bots and scripts to get a richer experience. Or someone else can build that for you and you can spend that time making other awesome things. So we built Gitter…
Badgers! No. Badges.
Today, we released badges for your chat rooms. [https://gitter.im/gitterHQ/gitter] It's pretty simple to create your own, just reference the Gitter URL using the following syntax: http(s)://badges.gitter.im/owner/repo.png http(s)://badges.gitter.im/org.png If you want to put this in markdown on GitHub, feel free to copy, paste and adjust the code below: [](https:…