Gitter is a communication product for communities and teams on GitHub. Find out more at


Mac all the things!

Yup, that's right, Gitter is now available [] as a Mac app! The great thing about the app is that it provides notifications (through OSX's notification centre, naturally). This means that you don't need to have Gitter open in your browser to know there's new stuff. The app also provides an unread badge on the dock icon as well as a menu bar icon, which…

The write stuff

Update (17 December 2013) We now ask for write access on your profile, this is GitHub's user OAuth scope and it allows us to get a list of your organisations and verify if you belong to an organisation when trying to join an org chat room. Rest assured we do not actually write anything to your profile. This is all an unfortunate limitation of GitHub's OAuth scoping. For more information, feel free…

Limited beta launch FTW!

Hello Exactly two weeks ago we posted a textbook lean startup product page thing on HackerNews. The response was pretty sweet, we had thousands of people letting us know they were interested in a chat product built around GitHub. Even in meatspace around Silicon Roundabout people were excited about the concept. 10 days of solid coding later and today we are launching our limited beta. We still have a bunch of features to build and some…

The journey begins

What a remarkable few days it has been. Last Friday we posted [] a lean product development site on Hacker News to see what sort of interest we would get in creating a chat product built around our favourite source repository, GitHub. We quickly shot to #1 on HN and over the course of a few hours recieved over 30,000 visits to []. The message…