When most people see this cat, they think awwww cute. But some people think this: Imagine how frustrated they must be not being able to easily express themselves in chat rooms around the world. Well... now you can use LaTeX on Gitter [https://gitter.im] by using the brilliant KaTeX library [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8320439] from the Khan Acadamy. The above expression would be represented as follows: $$\left(\int{-\infty}^\infty x^…
Attack of the vector badgers
We've updated our badges to include support for SVG format. This means they will display just beautifully on retina displays. Such pixels. The badge has also been tweaked a little so that people know to click on them to join the chat. Here's a sample of what the new badges look like. If you visit any public room on Gitter, just click the settings button and choose Share this chat room. Bonus:…
One Shot London: What you missed
Using Node.js for Everything [Charlie Key](https://twitter.com/zwigby) burns through his jetlag to give a talk on how in 2010 he and 2 other cofounders started messing with node. They created a full javascript multiplayer game (tic-tac-together) in node 0.6.8 which ended up having an uptime of 2 years (!). The ability to quickly develop apps and services led to the creation of [Modulus](https://modulus.io) (one of the sponsors of…
LXJS Day 2: What you missed
by Andy Trevorah [http://twitter.com/trevorah_]. Missed day 1 as well? Read about it here [https://blog.gitter.im/lxjs-day-1-what-you-missed]. Keynote: Internet of Nothings [Jonathan Lipps](http://twitter.com/jlipps) kicks off day two with some thought provoking observations on technology's role in our lives. He begins by touching on Albert Borgmann's ideas on the device paradigm and showing the separation between mechanism and product. This separation sadly leads to knowledge…
LXJS Day 1: What you missed
by Andy Trevorah [https://twitter.com/trevorah_] Keynote: Componentize the web! [Addy Osmani](http://twitter.com/addyosmani) kicks off the event with a back to basics html concept known as Web Components, which are a new set of web platform features that enable developers to build applications in a declarative, composable way. He also mentions the [Polymer library](http://www.polymer-project.org/) that helps us achieve this now, and gave some cheeky examples of it in…