Ever wanted to quote part of a message? It's ridiculously easy: select the text and press q. This will add the selected text to your input area, prefixing it with a markdown blockquote > . You can then edit your message further or press enter to send immediately. Happy chatting!…
Copy a Message as Markdown
Github Markdown Cheat Sheet by othree [https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5599/15576500626_97b565087a_k_d.jpg] Ever wanted to copy the markdown source of a message, rather than the text? Just triple-click on a chat message to select the whole message, then copy-and-paste the selected text into the input area using ⌘C/⌘V or Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V. Happy chatting!…
Edit a Message using RegExp
You probably already know that Gitter let's you edit your messages within 10 minutes of sending by pressing ↑ in the input area, or clicking the edit icon on the message. Another, more developer-friendly method also exists. Just type s/string/replacement/ in the input area to replace the first occurrence in your last message, or s/string/replacement/g to replace all occurrences. Happy chatting!…