Gitter is a communication product for communities and teams on GitHub. Find out more at


Introducing Gitter Topics

We all 💜 a good chat - but do you ever feel there’s a little something missing from the conversation? We've decided to fill this gap, and over the coming weeks we’re enabling a new feature - Topics. Topics brings more structured conversations and content to your community. You can use it for forum-like questions and answers, FAQs that allow users to interact and discuss together - or whatever else you like! Whenever…

Drop Database Migration in Core Data

Core Data supports migrating persistent stores [] (databases) from one model (schema) to the next without losing the existing content. It involves keeping versions of your model and the required mappings between them. However if you have a REST based app, then you are probably fine with not having to migrate the user's content as you can just fetch it all again…

The Command Line

This post has been adapted from a talk I originally gave at codebar [], which is a non-profit initiative that facilitates the growth of a diverse tech community by running regular programming workshops. It is targeted to those who are learning to code. This post is in two parts, a little history, followed by some live command line examples. History Way back in the 60s - 70s, computers were becoming more than just calculators.…

Best Gitter channels on: Go

Go, also known as Golang [], is a open-source programming language developed at Google in 2007 by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike and Ken Thompson. Originally intended as a descendent of C++ for the 21st century, Golang is characterized by fast compilation, easier syntax, and an efficient garbage collection. It’s a clean, fast, typed language that is particularly strong for web development. See the list of Go-related communities we’re hosting on Gitter [https:…

Best Gitter channels on: Scala

Scala is an object-oriented functional language that has gained wide acceptance in developer communities for many of its merits, including runtime performance & stability, developer productivity, access to libraries, ease of learning, use for both static and dynamic language coders, as well as good libraries and language facilities for building concurrent and distributed applications. We have plenty of channels on Gitter dedicated to Scala — dive in & enjoy! * scala/scala […